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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.0.1
    [Bugfix] Issues linked to upgrade to v3.0 milestone
    [Improvement] Biome : Js best practices
    [Feature] Set up server side rendering
    [Feature] Automatisation des backups de données
    [Improvement] Envoie newsletter - exclude specific hostnames
  • v3.0
    91c682a4 · update maintenance page ·
    - [Major] Django 4
    - [Major] Python3.10
    - [Major] Startin'blox v1.0.4
    - [Feature] First Lit Components - Tabbed widget
    - [Feature] Instagram Interpellation && Revamp Twitter module
    - [SEO] Seo touch ups (canonical, structured data, etc)
    - [Improvement] Representative page : Add data (functions, commissions, historical functions, etc) and styling
    - [Improvement] Law tracker plugin : display linked laws on representative page
    - [Improvement] Risefor feature page
    - [Improvement] css, js touch ups and other misc improvements
    see more :
  • v2.6.4
    - [Minor] Introduce Django-q for asynchronous tasks
    - [Feature] Interpellation : Capacité à cibler les élues d'une commission permanente #15
    - [Feature] SEO : Enable sitemap.xml  
    - [Feature] Admin : Enable reversion of models (all action types & representative)
    - [Feature] Law Tracker - Notification system when a law changes
    - [Improvement] Federation - Send participation requests to host of action in order to update counter
    - [Improvement] Confirmation email for newsletter signup
    - [Improvement] Newsletter: Ability to include/exclude specific hosts when sending a newsletter
    - [Instances] .env customisations : Display/hide elements in menu, database info, etc
    - [Error management] Email to admin and user when target email is not in 'Approved email'
    - [Error management] log file for backed errors
    - [Misc] Template css improvements (law tracker, confirmation pages, ...)
  • v2.6.3
    - [Beta] Plugin « Suivi des lois » - Version 1
    - [Feature] Capacité à avoir une instance multi lingue, avec des actions traduites Voir un exemple
    - [Beta] Envoie avec sa propre boite mail - Amélioration du système pour copier le contenu
    - [Improvement] Utilisation d’un fichier .env pour la personnalisation du site ainsi que les informations sensibles (ie, connexion SMTP et BDD) #169
    - [Improvement] Logging - Fichier de log du backend Risefor et logging de l’envoie de newsletter
    - [Improvement] Newsletter - Argument pour informer et personnaliser le sujet de l’email
    - [Improvement] Interpellation twitter - Garder les capitales dans le texte, et dédupliquer les comptes taggés
    - [Improvement] Divers améliorations (css touch ups, logger, “Use instance name” page)
  • v2.6.2
    Section Appel, Styling, Beta and more
    - [Styling] Refonte section élues - Part 1 #93 
    - [Beta] Update - UX, bugfix et plus de services #125  #162
    - [Bugfix] Envoie newsletter - Dé-dupplication d'email gère les caps
    - [Feature] Début de personnalisations du template avec le fichier .env
    - [Feature] Appel à soutien - Rendre possible la mise en ligne d'appels à soutiens
    - [Feature] Appel à soutien - Afficher le compteur des signataires
    - [Feature] Appel à soutien - Afficher la liste des signataires (publiques)
    - [Improvement] Divers améliorations (menu mobile, blocs optins)
  • v2.6.1
    dfd67f57 · Textarea font family ·
    [Bugfix]  Bulma conflicts with sib router
    [Bugfix]  actionLoadUrl script listener issue #148
    [Improvement] Beta Update - Email service choice CTAs #156
    [Improvement] Clean depreciated templates
    [Improvement] Page d’erreur django - 500 et dédié aux erreurs « int 10 » (gestion des plateformes supprimant une partie de l’url) #158
    [Improvement] Reintroduce prod process (collectstatic) #158
  • v2.6.0
    [Minor] Revamp javascript to typescript !22
    [bugfix] Beta Send Email from own service - Fix event bubbling and other misc bugs #125
    [bugfix] Clean requirements.txt #118
  • v2.5.4
    [Feature] Beta - Ability to send email with own box
    [Improvement] Action stats block - Dedicated field "display date" with logic (like 3 jours restant pour agir)
    [workaround] Temp bugfix for Newsletter optins with no action_id informed  #140
    [Improvement] Email action form - Part 1 of revamp #143
    [Improvement] refreshComponent() - Remove ?rand to reduce server consumption (testing for possible negative side effects)
    [Improvement] Newsletter Sender - Add params and improve prompt
  • v2.5.3
    [Feature] Newsletter sender script - params to customise sending, validation process, ability to get Newsletter optins
    [Improvement] Action Emails - Display name of sender in mailbox
    [Bugfix] Video on action - Part 1 - Youtube videos
    [Improvement] Create robots.txt
    [Improvement] Revamp 'Use Risefor' page
    [Feature] Create 'Action stats' block 
    - Ability to count number of tweets
    - Create 'Total contacts' field
    - Display block in admin and front end
    [Improvement] Action email module - Part 1 of graphic revamp
  • v2.5.2
    - Appel soutiens - Add Risefor optin
    - Partial bugfix for video on action #120
    - Bugfix for display of representative targetting section (push with #33)
    - Feature - Action Groups - display "Share images" #33 !26
    :warning: Breaking Display !26 - Federated  actions with "share" must be after this version or else the block will not be hidden/updated
  • v2.5.1
  • v2.5.0
    Ability to send our own newsletter emails, 2 templates
    - Email about 1 action to a list of users
    - Newsletter recapping online actions to a list of users
    Also feature chosen for startpoint of Risefor v2.5.0
  • requirements-change