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- [Minor] Introduce Django-q for asynchronous tasks
- [Feature] Interpellation : Capacité à cibler les élues d'une commission permanente #15
- [Feature] SEO : Enable sitemap.xml  
- [Feature] Admin : Enable reversion of models (all action types & representative)
- [Feature] Law Tracker - Notification system when a law changes
- [Improvement] Federation - Send participation requests to host of action in order to update counter
- [Improvement] Confirmation email for newsletter signup
- [Improvement] Newsletter: Ability to include/exclude specific hosts when sending a newsletter
- [Instances] .env customisations : Display/hide elements in menu, database info, etc
- [Error management] Email to admin and user when target email is not in 'Approved email'
- [Error management] log file for backed errors
- [Misc] Template css improvements (law tracker, confirmation pages, ...)